Monday, July 7, 2008

Tough Love

After loosing the battle of addiction with Jani I have questioned and blamed myself for many mistakes and errors. When you first realize you are in a fight for the life of your little girl you turn anywhere for help or answers. The yellow pages are empty in the comfort department for the loved ones of addicts. Somehow paying the huge amounts of money the addiction specialists demand temporarily gives you a direction.

One of the biggest regrets I have as I ponder my experience during the last year of Jani's life is listening to addiction counselors about tough love. There is a fine line between facilitating an addiction and loving an addict. I do not believe this includes rejection of your loved one until they stop using.

I often wonder how many addiction counselors would follow their own advice to the death of someone they love. Refusal to accept any use or behavior that leads to use is an intense approach. But it can be done without shutting out the addict from the support system they need. This may mean not providing any housing, food, or transportation as long as your loved one is using. But they have to know you can still love them and are excited to see the old person buried by the addition.

Bill W. founder of A.A. framed a powerful 12 step process to aid in the recovery of addiction. 1. Admit you are powerless over your addiction. 2. Realize that a Higher Power can restore your sanity. 3. Turn your life and your will over to God. The addict has let the need to use replace God in their system. They have to know that God still loves them and will help them. The first way to help them to this knowledge is to help them know you love them. Like raising children, there are no hard rules that work for everyone when dealing with an addict. They can recover, don't give up.

More Side Effects

As an addict struggles through the disaster in their life left by drug use they have many obstacles. After the physical withdrawals end they see themselves scarred mentally and emotionally. Now the need to alter how they feel now is valid, instead of the contrived excuses they used during their use. Medical knowledge about this problem is limited. One side effect that receives little attention is the devastation of hormone production by the addicts system. They don't just feel broken emotionally and mentally, in a very real sense they are.

Doctors can run blood tests and do a hormone panel that shows where the levels of a variety of natural body chemicals have ended up after the addict is clean and detoxed. For instance a 25 year old recovering addict who had this done found that his testosterone levels were almost at 0. This hormone gives men and women the drive to get up and do things, (not just sexual motivation, but any kind of activity).

After having the hormone panel done bioidentical hormones can be used to supplement the addict's natural hormone production and aid in rejuvenating it. The effects of this can help in the healing process. Instead of the terrifying worry that the addict has broken their system and will never be normal again they can get legitimate help. Besides the rejuvenation of normal feelings it helps many addicts to have something to take to feel better, something that will help them instead of just numbing them.

A little doctor shopping may be necessary to find one who deals with natural bioidentical hormone replacement. A recovering addict can feel normal again. It won't happen all at once or from one pill or another, But from within, born in desire to get their life back. It can be done.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Please Get Involved

The battle against drugs rages on throughout the world. We have experienced some success here in Utah County, but there is a lot to do. The problem is growing faster than most people realize. The help of citizens throughout the country is needed to be the eyes and ears of law enforcement. The task of fighting this monster is something everyone needs to choose a side for. We would welcome contacts throughout the country to work with law enforcement in their area to channel the contacts we get to the proper authorities. Please contact us at and we will have you join us in the fight. Thanks, Lance

Our Suggestions

Many of you have contacted us asking how to know if your loved one is using drugs. We are not professional addiction specialists but have helped a lot of people with the problem. Addiction is not something that is cured. It is a lifetime battle that can be managed and controlled. Truth and knowledge seem to be enemies of addiction. On our website the get help section has some great information and tools for anyone interested in helping an addict.

First you need to know what the truth is. A simple approach is getting a piece of hair from a brush or comb and using one of the hair testing kits. This will tell you what drugs have been used for the past 4 - 6 weeks by the individual. With that information open dialog is possible. Following up with urine analysis kits administered by you anytime you suspect or get a feeling to do so will prove a deterrent. Addicts are being consumed by the instinct to use. Logic, Love, or Guilt don't do much. You are dealing with a process that overrides all these thoughts. The earlier you catch the use the better chance you have of helping. Do Not wait to be sure in may cost you a loved one.