As an addict struggles through the disaster in their life left by drug use they have many obstacles. After the physical withdrawals end they see themselves scarred mentally and emotionally. Now the need to alter how they feel now is valid, instead of the contrived excuses they used during their use. Medical knowledge about this problem is limited. One side effect that receives little attention is the devastation of hormone production by the addicts system. They don't just feel broken emotionally and mentally, in a very real sense they are.
Doctors can run blood tests and do a hormone panel that shows where the levels of a variety of natural body chemicals have ended up after the addict is clean and detoxed. For instance a 25 year old recovering addict who had this done found that his testosterone levels were almost at 0. This hormone gives men and women the drive to get up and do things, (not just sexual motivation, but any kind of activity).
After having the hormone panel done bioidentical hormones can be used to supplement the addict's natural hormone production and aid in rejuvenating it. The effects of this can help in the healing process. Instead of the terrifying worry that the addict has broken their system and will never be normal again they can get legitimate help. Besides the rejuvenation of normal feelings it helps many addicts to have something to take to feel better, something that will help them instead of just numbing them.
A little doctor shopping may be necessary to find one who deals with natural bioidentical hormone replacement. A recovering addict can feel normal again. It won't happen all at once or from one pill or another, But from within, born in desire to get their life back. It can be done.